About Us
The Why?
After many years of answering questions over email, LinkedIn and StackOverflow we decided to create a simple webpage where we can share our passion for simulation modeling with fellow enthusiasts.
Nothing special, or fancy just a simple place to share our knowledge, experience and expertise and connect with like-minded individuals along the way.

The AnyLogic Modelers
Who We Are
Jaco-Ben Vosloo
Simulation Fanatic
I am passionate about solving seemingly complex problems with simple solutions and teaching others how to do the same.
This passion has led me to focus on using technology, especially simulation to, find, test and validate potential solutions to common business problems.
I have over a decade of experience in using simulation and other tools to provide valuable insights to clients and partners.

Vitor Lemos
The Coder
I am a builder at heart and creating simulation models is way for me to express this desire to create useful things.
I always like the challenge of defining and creating a good architecture for a simulation model. I love trying to find a better, more flexible, more efficient and effective way to solve a problem.
I have focused the last 7 years of my career on using simulation models and data science techniques to help customers answer difficult questions about their businesses.

Contact Us
The AnyLogic Modeler is a private initiative by Jaco-Ben Vosloo and Vitor Lemos and is in no way associated or affiliated with The AnyLogic Company or its affiliates. The views posted on this blog are purely that of the authors and are not necessarily condoned or condemned by The AnyLogic Company.